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Let Off Some Steam at B.Cycle Studio in Old Montreal

Try spinning and body bar classes for a full and effective workout!
Venez faire du spinning ou du body barre au studio B.Cycle dans le Vieux-Montréal! N’hésitez plus, le premier cours est gratuit!

As of November 15, the BIXI racks have disappeared from Montreal’s landscape. Of course, that doesn’t mean the end of cycling in Old Montreal!

The B.Cycle studio, which specializes in spinning classes (workout on a stationary bike), opened last spring on the corner of De la Gauchetière Street and Beaver Hall. The studio allows Old Montreal’s residents and workers to practice and train (especially pedaling) year-round.

What is Spinning?

Spinning is a cardiovascular workout where you burn a lot of calories! You pedal tirelessly in a dark room with pump-up music playing loudly in the background! It’s impossible not to get carried away in a room so packed with energy.

First class is free!

In addition to the many spinning classes offered 7 days a week, the B.Cycle Studio also offers ballet inspired Body Barre 60 (BB60) classes. These courses are given by the talented Lydia Jenvey, who also teaches at the Enso Yoga studio downtown.

But why have they added BB60 classes to the already full lineup of spinning classes offered at Studio B. Cycle?

Adjacent to the spinning room, a small room is used for ballet-inspired
Body Barre 60 classes so clients can get a complete workout at B.Cycle Studio.
The priority for staff at B.Cycle Studio: welcome and support their clients.  

“We offer BB60 classes because we found it was the perfect complement to spinning, for several reasons: spinning classes are more focused on cardio. It is very effective to burn calories, lower your heart rate, tone the upper body, etc. BB60 classes, meanwhile, work more on strength training and flexibility, which are aspects we work less on in spinning. By combining these two disciplines, you are working at all levels and getting a truly complete workout, says Bijan Bolouri, owner of Studio B.Cycle. “

How does it work?

The first time you visit B.Cycle Studio you are fully supported by the very professional staff! It’s another aspect that differentiates his studio from others, according to Bijan. The welcome is a priority and you feel it the moment you arrive. When registering for the spinning class, you will be able to choose your bike. You can also reserve online to get your preferred spot in your preferred room, or, for example, to make sure you’re pedaling next to a friend.

”Your measurements are taken on the bike (length of arms and legs, etc.) so that next time you visit, staff can perfectly adjust your bike before you arrive!”

Then, your shoe size (because the spinning shoes are provided, great!) and measurements are taken on the bike (length of arms and legs, etc.) and recorded in your file so that on your next visit, staff can adjust the bike perfectly to your dimensions, before you even arrive! Talk about personalized service…

The Four Pillars of B.Cycle Studio

Training, since the classes offered allow a full body workout combining cardio (spinning) and strength training (bar).

Convenience, since the studio totally adapts to its neighborhood and customers! Thanks to personalized files where everything is noted: from the size of our shoes to the handlebar height on our bike! When you register for a class, you check in and everything is ready, just for you! B.Cycle provides: cycling shoes, towels, digital locks and bags for gym clothes. Who hasn’t longed for a training session after a big day at the office that never materialized because you forgot your towel and shoes? Never again!

Atmosphere, because music is an integral part of the concept and we always train with rhythm!

Power, because the b.trackr tool, which is a table showing your live stats during training, allows each client to set goals and track their personal performance online! It’s technological, personalized, and it motivates you during class.

Just keep on training!
601, de la Gauchetière West, Montreal.

In conclusion, there’s no reason not to try B.Cycle Studio, the first class is free!

There’s nothing left to do but register online at, create your profile and choose your spinning class!

B.Cycle Studio is practical and, above all, very well adapted to its clientele and neighborhood.

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